Manchukuo is shown, indicating a date between 1930 and 1945. The following are indicated as identified in “Legend” key: Railroads, Caravan Routes, Canals, Steamship Routes, Ruins, Glaciers, Deserts, Mountains, Volcano Peaks, Swamps, Shelf Ice, Ocean Currents. Oceans are green, geographic entities are in various colors.
The stand is American but in the English taste, typical of the 1930s. It is referred to as Sheraton style after the London cabinetmaker Thomas Sheraton, who published a book of furniture designs in the late 18th century. Replogle globes were more frequently produced on a Duncan Phyfe style stand. Sheraton stands with paper calendar and zodiac horizons such as this one are very rare and probably were manufactured as deluxe models for home use by Replogle in partnership with an American furniture maker.
Replogle is a major American globe manufacturer. Read more about the firm in our Guide to Globe Makers.
Art Deco Style Oval Cartouche: 16 inch/ Library/ Globe/ Replogle/ Globes/ Chicago
Additional copyright information: Made in U.S.A. Copyright/ REPLOGLE GLOBES