Louis Garneray (also known as Ambroise-Louis Garneray) led an unusual life — after being trained by his artist-father, he joined various French-lead sea expeditions, including one to chart the coast of Madagascar. Taken prisoner by the English in 1806, he spent the next eight years in prison ships in Portsmouth, but was able to learn English and earn a little money selling watercolors. Returning to France, he found aristocratic patrons for his marine, shipping, and port scenes, including a series of views of the coast of France. Associating with a group of artists including Vernet and Gericault, Garneray also met the future King Louis Philippe, who helped him obtain commissions after 1830. He is most renowned for his views of port cities of North and South America, including New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Garneray published three popular autobiographies about his adventures.
Condition: Generally very good, with the usual light toning, soiling, wear, soft creases. Faint central vertical crease, probably where previously folded, possibly as issued.
“(Ambroise-) Louis Garneray.” The Grove Dictionary of Art. New York: Macmillan. 2000. (1 Mar. 2002).
“A Brief History of Roller Coasters.” Cedar Point. 2001. (1 Mar. 2002)
Klier, Betje Black. “Garneray Family.” The Handbook of Texas Online. Texas Historical Society, 1997-2001. (1 Mar. 2002).
Sandy, Adam. “Roller Coaster History: How It Started,” Ultimate Rollercoaster. 2002. (1 Mar. 2002).