Fine Art Drawings
Showing all 23 results
Architectural, Art, Svend Svendsen, Academic Drawings, c. 1880s
$950 -
Botanical, Bearded Iris, Richard Mueller, Color Pencil Drawing
$600 -
Fine Art, Animal, Raccoon, Andree Ruellan, Drawing, 20th Century
$350 -
Fine Art, Buffalo at Bronx Zoo, Pair, Vintage Drawings, 1970s
$700 -
Fine Art, Lobster Pulling Gnome’s Tooth, Antique Drawing, 1908
$550 -
Fine Art, Modern, Abstract, Hector Benavides, Texan Artist, Ink Drawing, 1994
$1,900 -
Fine Art, Modern, Robert Courtright, Porta San Lorenzo, Drawing with Collage
$2,650 -
Fine Art, Modern, Tattoo Society, Tokyo, Japan, Female Nudes, John Groth, Vintage Drawing, 1952
$2,400 -
Fine Art, Theatre, Pulcinella, Linda Chittaro, Drawing, Italy, 1969
$850 -
Fine Art, Watercolor, Elegant Couple, May Wilson Preston, 1931
$950 -
Fine Art, Witches Save Doctor from Death, Set of Silhouettes on Paper, late 19th Century
$750 -
Fine Arts, Academic Study, Male Nude, Archer, Drawing, Linnell, British, c. 1840s
$3,250 -
Illustration Art, Electrical Elf, Gary Viskupic, Vintage Drawing, 1989
$1,050 -
Illustration Art, Theseus and the Minotaur, J. Watson Davis, Antique Drawing
$1,400 -
Neoclassical, Art, Original Design, Caryatid Candelabrum, Antique Drawing, Late 19th Century
$575 -
Neoclassical, Art, Original Design, Cornucopia, Antique Drawing, 19th Century
$475 -
Old Masters, Renaissance, Fresco Ceiling, Parma Cathedral, Antique Drawing, 18th Century
$975 -
Portrait, Artists, Tischbein, Renaissance, Set of Six Antique Drawings, Late 18th Century
Portrait, Exploration, Mercator, Globe and Map, Garth Jones, Drawing, Early 20th Century
$2,100 -
Science, Medical, Anatomy, Diagram, Capitoline Faun, France, Original Drawing,1851
$1,600 -
Sporting Art, Horses, Polo, James Bodrero, Drawing, 1933