Showing 1–39 of 59 results
Advertising Art, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Subway Poster, Prospect Park, Antique Print, c. 1923-39
$1,250 -
Architecture, Garden, Designs, Ed Swann, Watercolors, c. 1949
$475 -
Architecture, Garden, Fountains, Bockler, Antique Prints, Germany, 1664
Architecture, Garden, Jean Boussard, Antique Prints, Paris, 1881
$450 -
Architecture, Garden, Topiary, Simon Schijnvoet, Antique Prints, Amsterdam,18th Century (Sold)
Architecture, Gardens, Fountains, Grotto, Versailles, Jean Lepautre, Antique Prints, Paris, 17th Century
$700 -
Botanical, Art, Barbara Regina Dietzsch, Roses, Pair Antique Watercolors, Germany, 18th C.
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Amaranth, Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$1,200 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Carnations, Pair Framed Antique Prints, Germany, 17th Century
$3,600 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Iris Calcedonica, Antique Print, Germany, Various Editions
$3,200 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Peony, Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$2,900 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Roses, Framed Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$3,200 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Tulip Globosa, Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$3,750 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Tulips, Antique Framed Print, Germany, 17th Century
$3,900 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Tulips, Tulipa Albicans Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$4,400 -
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Variety of Antique Prints, Germany, 17th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Chinoiserie, Buchoz, Antique Prints, Paris, 1776-79
$900 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Heaths, Andrews, Antique Prints, London, 1794-1830
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Robert Sweet, Antique Prints, London, 1827-32
$250 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Auriculas, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,600 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Begonia, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,650 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Maggot-Bearing Stapelia, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$850 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Nodding Renealmia, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,800 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Persian Cyclamen, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Pontic Rhododendron, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Queen Flower, Bird of Paradise, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,300 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Snowdrop, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Superb Lily, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,600 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Tulips, Antique Print, London, 1798
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Winged Passion Flower, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,250 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Winged Passion Flower, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,800 -
Decor, Garden Urn, Neoclassical, Cast Resin, 20th Century
$500 -
Decorative Arts, Planters, Tole-Peinte Jardinieres, Antique, French, c. 1900
$925 -
Design Art, Flower Composition, Morning Glories, Roses, Edouard Muller, Antique Prints, 1872
$250 -
Fine Art, Muriel King, Garden View, Vintage Watercolor
$900 -
Globe, Decorative, Armillary Sundial, Iron, Vintage, 20th C.