Showing all 15 results
Architectural Element, Plaque, Pisces Zodiac Constellation, Art Deco, Nickel-plated Bronze
$1,350 -
Astronomy, Cards, Celestial, Urania’s Mirror, Antique, London, c. 1824
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Astronomical Recreations, Jacob Green, Antique Prints, Philadelphia, 1820s
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bayer, Uranometria, Constellation, Delphinus, Dolphin, 17th Century (Sold)
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bayer, Uranometria, Constellation, Hare, Antique Print, 17th Century (Sold)
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bayer, Uranometria, Constellation, Orion, Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$975 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bevis, Uranographia Britannica, Constellations, Aquila, Delphinus, Antique Print, Bevis, London, 1786
$1,350 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Burritt, Set of 6 Antique Prints, Connecticut, mid 19th Century
$3,600 -
Astronomy, Planisphere, Charles Kullmer, Revolving Star Disks on Stand, Syracuse, 1910
$1,475 -
Astronomy, Planisphere, Mobile Simplifie, Charles Dien, Paris, Revolving Disk on Card, Antique, 1839
$1,500 -
Game, Astronomy, Moon and Stars Ring Toss, American, c. 1925
$1,250 -
Globe, German, Rath, Celestial, 13-Inch Table Globe, 4-leg Stand, Leipzig, Mid 20th Century
$2,200 -
Map, Celestial, Northern Hemisphere, Antique Print, Desnos, Paris, 1770 (Sold)
Scientific, Instrument, Medical, Psychology, Brass Star, Antique, New York University, c. 1920s