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Old Masters, Prints, Hercules in the Garden of Hesperides, Volckamer, Nuremberg, Early 18th C.

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Johann Christoph Volckamer (1662-1744) (editor)
Dehne, F.P. Lindner, L. Glotch, et al. (engravers)
Pair of Prints of Hercules in the Garden of Hesperides
from Nurnbergische Hesperides
Nuremberg: 1708-1714
Hand-colored engravings
14 x 9 inches each

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Pair of prints illustrating the Greco-Roman myth of Hercules in the Garden of Hesperides, the magical place that Volckamer’s collection of botanical prints is named for. In Greek mythology, the Garden of Hesperides contained trees with golden branches, golden leaves and golden apples, Gaea’s wedding gift to Hera upon her marriage to Zeus. In the tale of Hercules, his eleventh labor was to retrieve the golden apples and bring them back to the king who had ordered him to complete twelve tasks. He is shown in front of the tree with one of the Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, who guarded the tree along with the dragon Ladon, also depicted here. The next print shows Hercules talking with one of the Hesperides, and taking a golden apple while she sleeps.

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Full Title: Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder gründliche Beschreibung der Edlen Citronat, Citronen und Pomerantzen-Früchte …Auf das accurateste in Kupffer gestochen, in Vier Theile eingetheilet und mit nützlichen Anmerckungen erkläret. Beneben der Flora, oder Curiosen Vorstellung Verschiedener raren Blumen … Wie auch einem Bericht von denen in des Authoris Garten stehenden Columnis Milliaribus

[Nuremberg Hesperides, or thorough description of the noble citron and bitter orange fruits…With the most accurate copperplate engravings, divided in four parts and with useful explanatory notes. Beneben of the Flora, or representation of different rare flowers…as well as being a record of those in the author’s garden, Columnis Milliaribus]

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18th Century