Georg Andreas Böckler was a German architect, engineer and author. He was the architect of the city of Nuremberg and specialized in hydraulic architecture. Architectura Curiosa Nova was his main opus, a four-part work in one volume, published in 1664. Illustrated with 200 engravings, the decorative plates of the first three parts show the theory and application of hydrodynamics for fountains, water-jets, spray-patterns, garden fountains and well heads; and elaborate and often fanciful designs for free-standing fountains. The fourth part includes designs for grottoes, garden pavilions and architectural designs including views of European palaces. Böckler’s other major work was Theatrum Machinarum Novum, the principal 17th-century work on windmills, pumps and other hydraulic machines, and contained working designs for mills, bellows and other functional equipment. First published in 1661, it was reprinted in 1662 and 1686.
Condition: Generally very good with the usual overall light toning, wear. Some occasional minor pale foxing.
“Georg Andreas Böckler.” National Gallery of Art. 28 May 2003. ( 16 September 2003 ).
“Böckler.” Librarie L’Oiseau-Lire. ( 16 September 2003 ).
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