Private Inventory
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Showing 1–39 of 65 results
Astronomy, Planisphere, Charles Kullmer, Revolving Star Disks on Stand, Syracuse, 1910
$1,475 -
Bird, Art, British, Elliot, Spruce Grouse, Antique Print, London, 1864
$650 -
Botanical, Art, Fruit, Citrus, Lemon, Ferrari, Hesperides, Framed Antique Prints, Rome, 1646
$1,250 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, British, John Hill, Framed Antique Print, London, 1756-57 (Sold)
Caricature Satire, A Tale of a Tub, English Politics, Antique Print, London, 1831
$825 -
Decorative Arts, Copper, Bull Form Water Vessel, India, 19th Century
$550 -
Fine Art, Flower Composition, Bouquet, Lilian Whitteker, Vintage Watercolors, 20th Century
$250 -
Fine Art, Modern, Linda Lindeberg, Oil Pastel, 1964 (Sold)
Fine Art, Personified Birds, European, Watercolor, 20th Century
$825 -
Furniture, Chair, Gondola Armchair, Jerry Lewis Movie Prop, Venice: c. 1900
Furniture, Coat and Hat Rack, Rocket Shape, c. 1950s-60s
Furniture, Easel, Mahogany, Carved Dolphins, Antique, mid 19th Century
$3,900 -
Furniture, Library, Book Caddy Shelf, Mahogany, English, Late 19th Century
$1,900 -
Furniture, Library, Side Table, English, Yew Wood, Regency, 2nd Quarter,19th Century
Gavel, Commemorative, Ship Launching, S.S. Chiapas, Glasgow, Antique, Scotland, 1882
$1,400 -
Gavel, Commemorative, Ship Launching, SS Prosperous, Howrah, Kolkata, India, Antique, 1918
$1,500 -
Gavel, Presentation, American Institute of Homeopathy, Georgia Pine, Antique, 1887
$1,300 -
Gavel, Presentation, Baltimore Yacht Club, Baltimore, Maryland, c. 1943
$650 -
Gavel, Presentation, Double Handle, Marquetry Box, Antique, 1901 (Sold)
Gavel, Presentation, Rhode Island, Presentation, Governor Dyer, Antique, 1895
Gavel, Relic, Building, Churchill Downs Racetrack, Louisville, Kentucky, Vintage, 1963
$700 -
Gavel, Relic, Building, Civil War, Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, Antique, c. 1890s
Gavel, Relic, Building, Railroad, B & O, Camden Station, Baltimore, Vintage, 1950s
Gavel, Relic, Building, West Virginia State Capitol, Vintage, 1956 (Sold)
Gavel, Relic, Building, Western Union, Reynolds Arcade, Rochester, New York, Vintage, c. 1933
$600 -
Gavel, Relic, Building, White House Wood, Coolidge Era Renovation, 1927
Gavel, Relic, Building, White House Wood, Truman Era Renovation, 1950
Gavel, Relic, Presentation, Civil War, Kansas City, Kansas, Antique, c. 1897
$600 -
Gavel, Relic, Ship, HMS Birmingham, World War I Battleship, Vintage, 1930
$1,100 -
Gavel, Relic, Ship, USS California, World War II Battleship, Vintage, 1960
$2,400 -
Gavel, Relic, Tree, Las Vegas, Nevada, Vintage, c. 1915
Gavel, Relic, Tree, Revolutionary War Battlefield, Guilford Courthouse, Boxed, Antique, 1944
Globe, American, Cram, 12-Inch Diameter Slated Globe, Cradle Stand, Indiana, c. 1960s (Sold)
Globe, American, Franklin, HB Nims, Joslin Terrestrial, 16-Inch Floor Globe, Metal Stand, Antique, Boston, c. 1870s
Globe, American, Gair, Terrestrial World, Bisland Voyage, 6-Inch Table Globe, Iron Stand, New York, 1890
Globe, American, Holbrook, Terrestrial World, 8-Inch Table Globe, Tripod Iron Stand, c. 1889 (Reserved)
Globe, American, Rand McNally, Terrestrial World, 8-Inch Table Globe, Maple Stand, Chicago, 1891 (Sold)
Globe, American, Specialty, Slated, 12-Inch Table Globe, 2nd Quarter, 20th Century