Showing all 20 results
Bird, Art, Knorr, Bird of Paradise, Delights of Nature, Antique Print, Nuremberg, 1766
$450 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flower Bouquet, Elisa-Honorine Champin, Antique Print, Paris, 19th Century
$475 -
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Ferns, Great Britain, Antique Prints, London,1850s
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Sepia, von Ettingshausen, Antique Prints, Prague, 1873
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Auriculas, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,600 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Maggot-Bearing Stapelia, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$850 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Nodding Renealmia, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,800 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Persian Cyclamen, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Pontic Rhododendron, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Queen Flower, Bird of Paradise, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,300 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Snowdrop, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Superb Lily, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,600 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Winged Passion Flower, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,250 -
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Winged Passion Flower, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,800 -
Natural History Art, Birds, Knorr, Delights of Nature, Antique Prints, 1766 (Sold)
Natural History Art, Coral, Count de Marsigli, 18th C, Antique Print
$375 -
Natural History Art, Mammals, Lions, Charles Catton, Antique Prints, 1787
$950 -
Natural History Art, Reptiles, Crocodile, Charles Catton, Antique Prints, 1787
$475 -
Natural History, Art, Fish, Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, 1788, Antique Prints (Sold)