Giuseppe Zocchi was an Italian painter and etcher, known for his history, genre and landscape subjects. Initially trained in Florence, the Marquis Andrea Gerini became his protector and sent him to Rome, Bologna, Milan and Venice for further studies. In Venice, he became acquainted with engravings of views by Michele Marieschi. In the course of these trips, he drew the most interesting sites of each region, which he engraved and assembled as topographic series. He engraved his own work as well as prints after 17th century masters. Zocchi’s two most famous engraved sets of architectural landscapes are Tuscany, published in 1744 (including the two offered prints), and Florence (Scelta di XXIV Vedute delle principali Contrade, Piazza, Chiese, e Palazzi della Citta di Firenze Dedicata alla Sacra Reale Apostolica Maesta di Maria Teresa Regina d Ungheriae di Boemia, Arciduchesa d Austria e Granduchessa di Toscana &c. &c. &c.), published in 1754.
Giuseppe Benedetti was an Italian engraver, born in Bologna. He engraved effigies of Christ and the saints, as well as portraits.
Michele Marieschi was an Italian painter, etcher and engraver. He began to etch in the 1730s. He spent most of his career in Venice producing Venetian landscapes, views. He also is known for his capriccios — picturesque, imaginary landscapes.
Condition: Generally very good, recently professionally cleaned and deacidified, with only minor remaining toning and wear.
Bénézit, E. Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs. France: Librairie Gründ, 1966. Vol., p. 1, p. 550 (Benedetti); Vol. 8, p. 861 (Zocchi).
“Giuseppe Zocchi.” Grove Dictionary of Art. Online at (15 December 2004).
“Michele (Michiel) Giovanni Marieschi.” Grove Dictionary of Art. Online at (15 December 2004).
“San Domenico.” Il Passatore. (26 September 2014).