Covens and Mortier was an Amsterdam firm formed in 1721 by Johannes Covens in partnership with the heirs of Pierre Mortier. Mortier, a Frenchman, had established a publishing house in Amsterdam by around 1685 and published or reissued maps by some of the great French and Dutch mapmakers of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, including Guillaume de L’Isle, Carel Allard and Jan Jansson. After Mortier’s death in 1711, the family continued the business and then joined with Covens. Covens and Mortier issued several atlases, including its major work Atlas Nouveau, published in nine folio volumes between 1711 and 1760. The firm also issued world and continent maps. Regni Angliae et Walliae… is variously credited by different sources as being after de L’Isle or Allard.
Cartouche: “REGNI ANGLIÆ et WALLIÆ PRINCIPATUS TABULA, Divisa in LII Regnonis, Anglice Shire dictas, præ coeteris correcta et edita/ per/ I. COVENS et C. MORTIER AMSTELO-BATAVUM. cum Privil. Potentiss. D. D. Ordinum/ Hollandice e Westfrifice.”
Condition: Generally very good with only minor wear. Some folds as issued, professionally flattened.
Potter, Jonathan. Collecting Antique Maps: An Introduction to the History of Cartography. London: Jonathan Potter Ltd., 1988, rev. 1999. pp. 56, 102.