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Globe, Pocket, Terrestrial 3-Inch, British, J. & W. Cary, London: 1791 (Sold)

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John & William Cary
Terrestrial 3-Inch Pocket Globe
London: c. 1791
Pocket globe in fish skin case

See also a companion Cary Celestial Pocket Globe on our site.

A rare Cary terrestrial pocket globe in a fitted fish skin case. Rather than issue the terrestrial globe with concave celestial gores of the northern and southern hemispheres applied to the inside of the case as was typically done by other British globe makers of the period, J. & W. Cary applied a map of the world in the time of ancient Rome, and a table of latitudes and longitudes for various cities. to the inside concave reserves of the case. They issued a companion celestial globe, with the interior of the case painted orange.

Product description continues below.


The globe has metal axis pins at the poles and engraved and hand-colored gores, set within a spherical conforming hinged papier mache case covered with fish skin, fitted with two hooks and eyes. The interior of the case is covered with engraved paper gores in each hemisphere, one half with a map entitled “The WORLD as known in CAESAR’s Time/ agreeable to D’Anville,” and the other half with numerous place names arranged in a geometric grid in four quadrants with geographical coordinates entitled “A TABLE/ OF/ Latitudes & Longitudes/ of Places not given/ on this/ GLOBE.” Oceans are colored light green, land masses in light green, pink, and cream tones, outlined in green and/or red. Tracks of explorers are shown with blank lines. The interior map of the world in ancient Rome is similarly colored.

Circular Cartouche Composed of Chain-linked Small Circles: CARY’s/ Pocket/ GLOBE;/ agreeable/ to the latest/ DISCOVERIES/ LONDON/ Pubd by J & W Cary Strand April 1. 1791.

Read more about the Cary family of globe makers in our Guide to Globe Makers.


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18th Century