George Adams Senior (1704-72), the patriarch of the Adams family of globe makers, wrote numerous treatises on globes and scientific instruments including A Treatise Describing and Explaining the Construction and Use of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, published in London in 1766. He is thought to have succeeded to the globe gores of John Senex and James Ferguson, the pioneers of 18th Century British globe making. George’s sons, George Adams, Jr. (1750-95) and Dudley (1762-1830), carried forth the family business as instrument and globe makers in London. The Adams firm produced terrestrial and celestial floor and table globes, as well as Senex/Ferguson pocket globes. Dudley Adams continued the business until 1817, when bankruptcy forced him to sell the pocket globe plates to the Lane firm, which reissued them in updated editions. British globe maker John Addison reissued a Dudley Adams celestial globe, circa 1818.
Oval Cartouche: To His Most Sacred MAJESTY/ GEORGE THE THIRD,/ This New Celestial Globe/ containing [?] Southern Constellations lately/ observed at the Cape of Good Hope, & all the/ Stars in Flamsteed’s British Catalogue,/ Is most humbly [?] His MAJESTY’S/ most dutiful [?] subject & Servant/ Dudley Adams/ Made by D. Adams Globe maker