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Globe, American, Rand McNally, Terrestrial World, 18-Inch Floor Globe, Art Deco Stand, Chicago, c. 1930s


Rand McNally & Company
18-Inch Terrestrial Floor Globe
Chicago: c. 1930s
39 inches high, 23 inches diameter

The terrestrial globe surmounted by an hour circle, within metal full meridian with raised calibrations, raised on an Art Deco walnut stand, the horizon band within figured exotic wood frieze decorated with roundels above the legs, rotating 360 degrees on a turned bulbous wooden meridian holder resting on a medial cross stretcher, the four tapered downswept parcel-ebonized legs ending in ebonized feet with cross-hatched decoration. Oceans are blue, now faded to green, geographic entities generally cream color, now beige. Manchukuo and “Japanese Empire” are shown, however Central Australia is not, indicating a date between 1931 to 1945. Steamship and railroad routes are indicated in red. The horizon is polished wood as issued rather than having a paper horizon and calendar.

Product description continues below.


The globe reflects the historical remnants of pervasive colonial dominance in many areas of Africa and Asia that would come to an end in the next few decades. For example, Africa is largely labeled according to colonial areas claimed by various European powers, and pre-independence India and Burma are labeled “British India.” The globe also reflects the unresolved political nature of the Antarctic at the time; various, sometimes overlapping claims in Antarctica include, respectively, those by Australia, New Zealand (the Ross Dependency), the Falkland Islands, and the United States (the Byrd-Ellsworth Sector). The Shackleton Ice Shelf is labeled in East Antarctica.

A nearly identical globe, is shown in Rand McNally catalog 337, dated 1937 — called “The Drake” — said to be the finest 18-inch globe then offered by Rand McNally. According to the catalog, “the simplicity and freedom from unnecessary ornamentation to this model represents the best in modern furniture design.”

For more information about Rand McNally, see our Guide to Globe Makers.

Cartouche formed of two dolphins: INDEXED/ RAND McNALLY/ 18” GLOBE.

Below cartouche: Scale 1:28, 250,000/ 1 Inch=450 Statute Miles/ or 390 Nautical Miles/ 1 centimeter=282 Kilometers/ Steamship and Railroad lines are/ shown in red./ Copyright by Rand McNally & Company, Chicago,/ Made in U.S.A.

Condition: Globe generally very good with the usual overall light toning, wear, minor discoloration patches, and a few small scuffs and abrasions, and minor cracking near equator professionally restored. Small oceanic area near the equator west of Africa, otherwise mostly lacking cartography, restored by minor filling and in-painting (unobtrusive).

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Maker Location



Globe Type



Walnut, Wood


Art Deco