Showing all 33 results
Advertising Art, Illustration, Ballet, Fancy Free Ball, Vintage Watercolor, 1954
$550 -
Advertising Art, New York City, Union Square, Danicheffs, Antique Print, Late 19th Century
$700 -
Advertising Art, New York, Performing Arts, Theatrical, A Boy of the Streets, Ashcan, Antique Poster, 1903 (Sold)
Architectural, Art, Rome, Theatrical Scenery, Germany, 1740 (Sold)
Books, Theater, Comedie Francaise, Leather Bindings, Various Works
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Country Club, London, Antique Print, 1805 (Sold)
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Irish Song Sheet, London, Antique Print, 1807
$125 -
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Nobody’s Song, London, Antique Print, 1807
$100 -
Caricature Art, Theatrical Crown Disputed, French Antique Print, early 19th Century
$475 -
Costume Design, Drama, Moliere, Antique Prints, 1875
$150 -
Costume Design, Musical, Bajour, Gypsy Children, Freddy Wittop, Vintage Watercolor, c. 1964
$450 -
Costume Design, Musical, Bajour, Gypsy Woman, Freddy Wittop, Vintage Watercolor, c. 1964
$375 -
Costume Design, Musical, Broadway, The Happy Time, Freddy Wittop, Vintage Watercolor, c. 1967
$1,100 -
Costume Design, Musical, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Virgo & Carvill, Watercolor Pair, 1962
$875 -
Costume Design, Musicals, Gertrude Johnson, Art Deco Watercolors
$450 -
Costume Design, Musicals, Gladys Monkhouse, Antique Watercolors (Sold)
Costume Design, Opera, Paul Rene Larthe, Art Deco, Watercolor
$950 -
Costume Design, Theater, Parisian, Felix de Gray, Antique Watercolors, c. 1920s (Sold)
Fine Art, Theatre, Pulcinella, Linda Chittaro, Drawing, Italy, 1969
$850 -
History, Politics, President Kennedy, New York Birthday Salute, Program, Ticket, 1962 (Sold)
Old Masters, Allegory, Opera Costumes, Minotaur, Monsters, Messelreuter, Antique Prints, 1723
Portrait, Arts, Theater, Actress Gertrude Lawrence, Antique Photograph, 1910
$325 -
Portrait, Arts, Theater, French Actors, 6 Antique Watercolors, 18th Century
$3,250 -
Portrait, Mezzotint, William Henry West Betty, James Northcote, Antique Print, London, 1805
$275 -
Set Design Art, Opera & Ballet, La Scala, Alessandro Sanquirico, Milan, Antique Prints, c. 1820s
$600 -
Toy, Theatre, Stage Print Set, Temple of Death, Antique, London, 1820s (Sold)
View, England, Kip and Knyff, British Country House Bird’s-eye, Antique Prints, Early 18th Century (Sold)
View, England, Oxford, Corpus Christi and Bodleian Quadrangle, Oxonia Illustrata, Antique Print Pair, London, 1675
$1,500 -
View, England, Oxford, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxonia Illustrata, Antique Print Pair, London, 1675
$1,500 -
View, Italy, Naples, Mt. Vesuvius and Lake Avernus, Blaeu and Mortier, Pair Antique Prints, Amsterdam, c. 1704
$1,800 -
View, New York City, Broadway, Empire Theatre, Peter Turgeon, Oil Painting, 1954 (Sold)