Showing all 11 results
Art, Architecture, Ancient Greece and Rome, D’Espouy, Antique Prints, Paris, c. 1900
Bird, Art, Old Masters, Concert of Birds, Frans Snyders, Antique Print, London, 1778
$850 -
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Sepia, von Ettingshausen, Antique Prints, Prague, 1873
History, Military, Greek Battle, Antique Print, Rome, 1781
$425 -
Landscape Art, England, Picturesque Trees, H.W. Burgess, Eidodendron, Antique Prints, 1827
$300 -
Neoclassical, Art, Mythology, Phaeton Driving Chariot, Antique Print, Paris 19th C. (Sold)
Old Masters, Renaissance, Fresco Ceiling, Parma Cathedral, Antique Drawing, 18th Century
$975 -
Portrait, Buster Brown and Tige, 1905 Broadway Production, White Studios, Antique Photographs, 1905 (Sold)
Science, Microscopy, Insects, Fly Foot, Carl Meinerth, 1870, Antique CDV Photograph (Sold)
Transportation, Aviation, Art, Early Aircraft, Vintage Photographs
$125,100 -
View, India, Regional, Select Views, William Hodges, Antique Prints, 1780s (Sold)