Showing all 39 results
2015, Special Event, Lotos Club, New York City, ‘April in Paris Evening’
Architectural Study, France, Recueil Elementaire d’Architecture, Neufforge, French Antique Prints, 1757-80
$375 -
Architecture, Garden, Jean Boussard, Antique Prints, Paris, 1881
$450 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Armillary Spheres, Globes, Delamarche, Antique Print, Paris, late 18th Century
$900 -
Astronomy, Planisphere, Mobile Simplifie, Charles Dien, Paris, Revolving Disk on Card, Antique, 1839
$1,500 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Promenades de Paris, Alphand, Antique Prints, Paris, c. 1870
$550 -
Botanical, Art, Prevost, Iris, Tulip, Laurel, Antique Print, Paris Early 19th Century
$675 -
Caricature, Law Clerk, Vernet, Debucourt, French Antique Print, early 19th C.
$350 -
Costume Design, Musical, Rene Ranson, Paris, Aret Deco Watercolors
$1,250 -
Costume Design, Opera, Faust, Musician and Dancer, Benois, Pair of Watercolors, 1948
Design Art, Interiors, Doors, Art Deco Grille Pattern, French Vintage Watercolor, c. 1930s
$375 -
Design Art, Natural History, Seguy Insects, Art Nouveau, French Antique Pochoir Prints, Mid 1920s
Fine Art, Watercolor, Paris Park, by Mary Turlay Robinson, 1947
$50 -
Genre Art, Farmers, Villagers, Shepherds, Westall, 6 Antique Prints, Early 19th C. (Sold)
Genre Art, Girl in the Rain, Grain de Pluie, French Antique Print, 19th C.
$275 -
Historical, Military, Napoleon Bonaparte, Antique Print Pair, Paris, c. 1810s
$1,400 -
Map, Celestial, Northern Hemisphere, Antique Print, Desnos, Paris, 1770 (Sold)
Map, France, Paris, Regional, Wine Industry, Remy Hetreau, Vintage Posters
$550 -
Map, Middle East, Holy Land, Jerusalem, de Belleforest, Antique Print, Paris, 1575
$1,100 -
Map, Pictorial, Aviation, Amy Drevenstedt, Lindbergh Transatlantic Flight, c. 1927
Maritime Art, Military, French, L’Enseigne Bisson, Antique Print, Paris, 1828
$600 -
Monkey, Art, Lemurs, Keulemans, Antique Prints, Paris, Late 19th Century
$275 -
Natural History Art, Botanical Study, Fruit, Duhamel du Monceau,Traite des Arbres Fruitiers, Antique Prints, Early 19th Century
$600 -
Natural History Art, Sea Shells, M.H. Hupe, 1857, Antique Print
$350 -
Neoclassical, Art, Mythology, Cupid, Pair Antique Prints, Paris, late 18th Century
$1,150 -
Neoclassical, Art, Mythology, Statues & Sculpture, Louvre Collection, Antique Prints, Paris, 1829
$375 -
Neoclassical, Art, Original Design, Caryatid Candelabrum, Antique Drawing, Late 19th Century
$575 -
Neoclassical, Art, Renaissance, Raphael, Frescoes, Hours of Day, Antique Prints, Paris, 19th Century
$800 -
Old Masters, David and Goliath, Antique Print Pair, Paris, c. 1715
$950 -
Old Masters, Mythology, Leda and the Swan, Antique Print, Paris, c. 1763 (Sold)
Olds Masters, Watteau, Les Enfans de Momus, Antique Print, Paris, 1729
$800 -
Portrait, Historical, European, Jacques Charles, Balloon Flight, Antique Print, Paris, c. 1783
$350 -
Poster, Advertising, A La Place Clichy Christmas Gifts, Maurice Neumont, Paris, 1905
$3,750 -
Poster, Circus, Le Grand Cirque ’57, Marcel Vertes, Paris, 1957
$3,000 -
View, France, Paris, From Montmartre, Antique Print, London, 1803
$750 -
View, France, Paris, L’Exposition Universelle 1878, International Worlds Fair, Antique Map Print
$2,800 -
View, France, Paris, La Palais de Justice, Max Berthelin, Antique Print, 1859
$600 -
View, France, Paris, Panorama, Werner, Hertel, Probst, Antique Print, Augsburg, 18th C.