o.d. case

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    Globe, American, Andrews, Terrestrial, 8-Inch Table, Cast Iron Gothic Stand, Antique, Chicago, c. 1880s

    This globe is currently on reserve among numerous extremely fine and rare American globes to be sold as a single collection. In the meantime, it has been placed here in our Globe Guide section as a service for researchers and collectors.

    Browse our currently available Globes & Planetaria or search our site to see globes offered for individual purchase.


    A.H. Andrews & Co.
    O.D. Case & Co., Hartford (seller)
    8-Inch Terrestrial Table Globe
    Chicago and Hartford: c. 1880s
    Cast iron stand
    15 inches high

    The eight-inch terrestrial globe has a printed north polar hour calotte, an Andrew’s type brass meridian with stationery outer ring and inner moveable ring, and an Andrew’s type 12-sided horizon band with engraved paper calendar and zodiac, each side corresponding to a sign of the zodiac with an illustration of it. The globe is raised on a cast iron pierced tripod stand, the flat shaped supports and legs decorated in the Gothic-Revival taste with cutout figures of trefoils and quatrefoils and joined by a central cylinder-form standard with terminal tightening bolt and knob connected to the outer ring of the meridan. The horizon band is decorated with gold and green paint. The globe was co-published by A.H. Andrews and O.D. Case & Co.; Andrews presumably was the manufacturer and Case presumably the seller.

    Product description continues below.


    Oceans are green, some geographic entities outlined in yellow or green. Coastlines and currents are shaded with parallel lines. Ocean currents are also labeled with their names and directions indicated by arrows. Mountains are shaded with hatch marks. The Antarctic coastline is partially mapped reflecting knowledge at the time. In the United States, states are not labeled but their boundaries are drawn with dotted lines. South Pass, Longs Peak. and Pikes Peak are indicated in the Rocky Mountains. There is an elongated oval analemma in the Pacific Ocean. The horizon band zodiac illustrations include stars with important ones named and a key to their sizes up to the sixth magnitude.

    This globe is noteworthy for the use of Gothic motifs in the stand, in this case in the form of trefoils and quatrefoils. In America in the second half of the 19th century, there were numerous successive periods of revivals — designs based on traditional styles but with a Victorian interpretation. The use of motifs of the latest Victorian revival style, in this case Gothic Revival, is characteristic of American globes; designers of stands often would utilize the styles of decorative arts movements of the period. Moreover, iron was a favored material of American globe makers for use in stands. By contrast, well into the late 19th century, British globe makers favored mahogany or ebonized wood, and the stands that some of them produced were virtually identical to those of the earlier Georgian period or followed designs that had become popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Such wooden stands were also used on American globes in this period, but far less so than in Great Britain.

    For information on A.H. Andrews, please see our Guide to Globe Makers.

    O.D. Case & Company was a publishing firm, bindery and school desk manufacturer in Hartford, Connecticut, during the second half of the 19th century. The company was founded by Orlando Dwight Case (1826-1903). Born in Sandisfield, Massachusetts, Case moved to Hartford in 1849 and founded O.D. Case & Co. in 1851, which he operated for 52 years until he died of a heart attack in his office in 1903. An engraving in the collection of the Connecticut Historical Society, Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case & Co., Hartford, Ct. (1866) shows the collapse of the back wall of the company’s five-story building at 49 Trumbull Street. They clearly recovered from this disaster and eventually moved to Asylum Street. In addition to publishing books, O.D. Case produced maps and atlases from at least 1857 to 1881. These included Case’s Bible Atlas, which provided maps related to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament designed for Sunday School teachers and their students. During this period they are know to have collaborated in their map and atlas publication with the firms of S. Augustus Mitchell, A.H. Andrews and W. & A.K. Johnston respectively. O.D. Case also published advanced textbooks for use in college classrooms and reference books such as American Commercial Law.

    Map of the Seat of War of the Eastern United States during the 1860s apparently was O.D. Case’s most popular map; it accompanied their popular publication of Horace Greeley’s two-volume, 1,430-page history of the Civil War, The American Conflict (1864-66). Although it proved to be an influential work, according to Case’s obituary in Publishers’ Weekly, it “nearly swamped the firm, the public refusing to buy the book after Greeley signed Jefferson Davis’ bail bond.” Case also published various of Mark Twain’s earlier works. The firm patented classroom desks in 1870 and 1879. An 1881 advertisement by Case in an almanac promotes the company as “School Desk Manufacturers and Publishers of Camp’s Outline Maps.” The latter were designed by David N. Camp (1820-1916) and accompanied by a study guide. Case is listed as a school desk manufacturer in the 1899 edition of directory of U.S. manufacturers.

    Cartouche: ANDREW’S/ Eight Inch/ TERRESTRIAL GLOBE/ with latest discoveries/ and oceanic currents/ A.H. ANDREWS & CO. Chicago, Ill./O.D. CASE & CO. Hartford, Conn.

    Condition: Globe and horizon generally very good with the usual expected light scattered surface wear to varnish, discolorations, fading, toning, small cracks and abrasions, all now professionally restored. Stand very good, with the usual light wear to paint, oxidation to metal.


    An Illustrated Catalogue of Improved School Furniture and School Supplies. New York: Baker, Pratt & Co., 19 Bond Street, 1879, p. 42. (Shows one very similar but slightly different quatrefoil decoration.)

    Andrews Broadside. (Show one nearly identical but with slightly different quatrefoil decoration.)

    “Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case and Company.” Connecticut History Illustrated.http://connecticuthistoryillustrated.org/islandora/object/40002%3A10998 (7 March 2016).

    “Holbrook’s School Globes.” Broadside in George Glazer Collection.

    How to Use Globes in the School and Family, 16th Ed., Chicago: A.H. Andrews & Company, 215-221 Wabash Avenue, 1888. (Cover illustration very similar but with a slightly different quatrefoil decoration.)

    Hoyt, Edmund S. Maine State Year-book, and Legislative Manual, for the Year 1881-82. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 1881. p. 404. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=WX0fAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA404-IA2 (7 March 2016).

    “Obituary Notes.” The Publishers’ Weekly. 63: 1617. 24 January 1903. p. 118. Online at Google Books:https://books.google.com/books?id=o-IxAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA118 (7 March 2016).

    “O.D. Case.” Connecticut Historical Society Museum & Library.http://emuseum.chs.org/emuseum/view/people/asitem/C/59?t:state:flow=a1b82e3f-52a8-46f7-8c19-ad1816efedea (7 March 2016).

    “Search results for O.D. Case & Co. maps.” Worldcat.org. http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=O.D.+Case+%26+Co.#x0%253Amap-format (7 March 2016).

    Seeger and Guernsey’s Cyclopaedia of the Manufactures and Products of the United States. New York: United States Industrial Publishing Company, 1899. p. 148. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=u0FgyWc_xcAC&pg=PA148 (7 March 2016).

    Warner, Deborah Jean.  “The Geography of Heaven and Earth.”  Rittenhouse Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987. p. 52.

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    Globe Type



    Cast iron


    Rococo Revival

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    Globe, American, Holbrook, Terrestrial World, 8-Inch Table Globe, Tripod Iron Stand, c. 1889 (Reserved)

    This globe is currently on reserve among numerous extremely fine and rare American globes to be sold as a single collection. In the meantime, it has been placed here in our Globe Guide section as a service for researchers and collectors.

    Browse our currently available Globes & Planetaria or search our site to see globes offered for individual purchase.

    Charles Holbrook
    8-Inch Terrestrial Table Globe
    N.p., n.d. but probably Hartford, Connecticut, c. 1890-1900
    Cast-iron stand
    15 inches high

    The terrestrial globe canted at an angle on flat inclination arm with raised Aesthetic movement decoration, on an iron tripod stand, the shaped legs with curved legs bending at hipped knees. Although a tripod iron stand was typically used for American globes of this period, the shape of the legs somewhat animal or human legs is unusual. A Holbrook globe on a similar stand, but having a full meridian and horizon band is illustrated in a broadside titled Holbrooks’s School Globes. That broadside was issued by O.D. Case & Company, a school supplier located at 302 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn., who quite possibly was the seller of the globe

    Product description continues below.


    Oceans are green, some geographic are shaded in yellow or green. Isothermal lines are in degrees red (warm) and blue (cold), and ocean current lines are yellow, but none of these are so identified in a key. Mountains are shaded with hatch marks. There is an elongated oval analemma in the Pacific Ocean.The Antarctic coastline is partially mapped reflecting knowledge at the time. In the United States, certain cartographical features date the globe to between 1890 and 1907. Modern-day Oklahoma is divided between Ok’L’Ma, an abbreviation for Oklahoma Territory in the west, and IND TERI, an abbreviation for the Indian Territory in the east. These boundaries reflect the 1890 Oklahoma Organic Act, which created the Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory out of a combination of the region’s “unorganized” Indian Territory, Greer County, and the Oklahoma panhandle. In 1907, Oklahoma achieved statehood, and was indicated on globes as such rather than a territory in any part. A second feature helping to date the globe is the division of the Dakotas, named Nth. Dakota and Sth. Dakota, in accordance with their admission as the 39th and 40th states in November 1889.

    This globe is by Charles Holbrook, the last in a line of globe makers of the renowned Holbrook family started in the 1832 by Josiah Holbrook in Massachusetts. In 1888, Charles Holbrook advertised his business as “Three Generations and Sixty years in the Cause of Education.” In a chronology from Charles Holbrook’s Teacher’s Manual for Lunar Tellurian dated 1888 he states that Dwight Holbrook took over the family business in 1840 located in Berea Ohio, and that Dwight later relocated to Connecticut. He further stated that he purchased the business in 1877.

    O.D. Case & Company was a publishing firm, bindery and school desk manufacturer in Hartford, Connecticut, during the second half of the 19th century. The company was founded by Orlando Dwight Case (1826-1903). Born in Sandisfield, Massachusetts, Case moved to Hartford in 1849 and founded O.D. Case & Co. in 1851, which he operated for 52 years until he died of a heart attack in his office in 1903. An engraving in the collection of the Connecticut Historical Society, Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case & Co., Hartford, Ct. (1866) shows the collapse of the back wall of the company’s five-story building at 49 Trumbull Street. They clearly recovered from this disaster and eventually moved to Asylum Street. In addition to publishing books, O.D. Case produced maps and atlases from at least 1857 to 1881. These included Case’s Bible Atlas, which provided maps related to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament designed for Sunday School teachers and their students. During this period they are know to have collaborated in their map and atlas publication with the firms of S. Augustus Mitchell, A.H. Andrews and W. & A.K. Johnston respectively. O.D. Case also published advanced textbooks for use in college classrooms and reference books such as American Commercial Law.


    Condition: Globe generally very good with the usual expected light scattered surface wear to varnish, discolorations, fading, toning, small cracks and abrasions, all now professionally restored. Stand very good, with the usual light wear oxidation to metal.


    Dekker, Elly and van der Krogt, Peter. Globes from the Western World. London: Zwemmer, 1993. p. 175.

    “Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case and Company.” Connecticut History Illustrated.http://connecticuthistoryillustrated.org/islandora/object/40002%3A10998 (7 March 2016).

    “Holbrook’s School Globes.” O.D. Case & Company, 302 Asylum St.,  Hartford, Conn. Broadside in George Glazer Collection

    “O.D. Case.” Connecticut Historical Society Museum & Library.http://emuseum.chs.org/emuseum/view/people/asitem/C/59?t:state:flow=a1b82e3f-52a8-46f7-8c19-ad1816efedea (7 March 2016).

    “Search results for O.D. Case & Co. maps.” Worldcat.org. http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=O.D.+Case+%26+Co.#x0%253Amap-format (7 March 2016).

    Seeger and Guernsey’s Cyclopaedia of the Manufactures and Products of the United States. New York: United States Industrial Publishing Company, 1899. p. 148. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=u0FgyWc_xcAC&pg=PA148 (7 March 2016).

    Sumira, Sylvia. Globes: 400 Years of Exploration, Navigation and Power. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. p. 31.

    Tumblin, J.C. “Fountain Citians Who Made a Difference: The Holbrooks.” Fountain City News. http://www.fountaincitytnhistory.info/people22-theholbrooks.htm (27 February 2018).

    Warner, Deborah Jean. “The Geography of Heaven and Earth,” Rittenhouse Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise, Vol. 2, No. 3. 1987. pp. 94-98 (all Holbrook manufacturers).

    Yonge, Ena L. A Catalogue of Early Globes, Library Series No. 6. American Geographical Society: 1968.

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    Maker Location


    Globe Type





    19th Century

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    Globe, American, O.D. Case, Terrestrial, 12-Inch Library Globe, Aesthetic Movement Stand, Antique, Hartford, c. 1872-89 (Reserved)

    This globe is currently on reserve among numerous extremely fine and rare American globes to be sold as a single collection. In the meantime, it has been placed here in our Globe Guide section as a service for researchers and collectors.

    Browse our currently available Globes & Planetaria or search our site to see globes offered for individual purchase.

    O.D. Case & Co.
    Case’s 12-Inch Library Globe
    Hartford: c. 1872-1889
    Aesthetic Movement ebonized stand
    37.5 inches high

    The terrestrial globe is mounted within a full brass Andrews-type meridian (the inner calibrated ring rotating 360 degrees within outer perpendicular ring), with a metal hour disk numbered 1 to 12 twice at North Pole and South Pole, and raised on an Aesthetic Movement ebonized stand with gilt incised decoration. The horizon band, with engraved paper calendar and zodiac, rests on three shaped supports joined by a central cylinder, which is surmounted by a metal meridian holder and terminates beneath the cylinder with a metal knob connecting to a meridian bolt assembly. The bottom portion of the stand consists of three ring-turned circular medial supports on a tripod base with three shaped legs centering a compass on a platform supported by six turned balusters. Each leg has a low relief floral carved panel.

    Product description continues below.


    Geographical entities are in yellow. Oceans are blue-green. Mountain ranges are shaded with brown hatchmarks. The Meridian of Greenwich is shown in addition to the equator, the ecliptic and a figure-eight analemma. Beneath the cartouche, a key shows that submarine telegraph cables are indicated by light blue lines, mean isothermal lines for January with dark blue lines, and mean isothermal lines for July with red lines. There is a figure-eight analemma in the Pacific Ocean.

    The offered globe can be dated to between 1872 and 1889 based on the cartography in the Midwestern and Western United States, noting however that boundary changes were not necessarily immediately reflected on a globe produced that same year. Alaska is shown as such, rather than Russian America, indicating a date after 1867. The portion of Wyoming established in March 1872 as Yellowstone National Park is labeled “National Park” and outlined in with the same brown outline as other state lines, which indicates that this globe dates to 1872 at the earliest. The Dakotas are a single region; it existed as such between 1868 and 1889. Oklahoma is called Indian Territory, confirming that the globe was made before 1890. Hawaii is called the Sandwich Islands. The Caribbean is labeled West India Islands.

    This is a rare example of a globe produced solely under the O.D. Case imprint and with their copyright. Nonetheless, this globe might have been produced as a collaboration with the globe makers Charles Holbrook or A.H. Andrews. Case is more well known to have collaborated on producing or selling globes with other companies. According to Warner, “[i]n 1877 O.D. Case & Co., well-known publishers of educational material, obtained a copyright for a 12-inch terrestrial globe produced in collaboration with Charles W. Holbrook.” Warner references an example of such a globe in the collection of the Library of Congress that bears the same cartouche as the Case floor globe described here. A further example of this collaboration is an advertisement for Holbrook’s School Globes that lists the address as O.D. Case & Company, 302 Asylum St. in Hartford. In addition, there are two extant examples of globes in the collection of George Glazer Gallery bearing the name of both O.D. Case and A.H.Andrews & Co. of Chicago — a 5-inch hemispheric pocket globe and an 8-inch terrestrial table globe. Andrews also collaborated with Charles Holbrook. Moreover, the gores on the offered globe bear a resemblance to those printed by another firm, such as W. & A.K. Johnston, a British firm that frequently supplied globe gores to American globe makers, including Holbrook and Andrews.

    O.D. Case & Company was a publishing firm, bindery and school desk manufacturer in Hartford, Connecticut, during the second half of the 19th century. The company was founded by Orlando Dwight Case (1826-1903). Born in Sandisfield, Massachusetts, Case moved to Hartford in 1849 and founded O.D. Case & Co. in 1851, which he operated for 52 years until he died of a heart attack in his office in 1903. An engraving in the collection of the Connecticut Historical Society, Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case & Co., Hartford, Ct. (1866) shows the collapse of the back wall of the company’s five-story building at 49 Trumbull Street. They clearly recovered from this disaster and eventually moved to Asylum Street. In addition to publishing books, O.D. Case produced maps and atlases from at least 1857 to 1881. These included Case’s Bible Atlas, which provided maps related to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament designed for Sunday School teachers and their students. During this period they are know to have collaborated in their map and atlas publication with the firms of  S. Augustus Mitchell, A.H. Andrews and W. & A.K. Johnston respectively.  O.D. Case also published advanced textbooks for use in college classrooms and reference books such as American Commercial Law.

    A Map of the Seat of War of the Eastern United States during the 1860s apparently was O.D. Case’s most popular map; it accompanied their popular publication of Horace Greeley’s two-volume, 1,430-page history of the Civil War, The American Conflict (1864-66). Although it proved to be an influential work, according to Case’s obituary in Publishers’ Weekly, it “nearly swamped the firm, the public refusing to buy the book after Greeley signed Jefferson Davis’ bail bond. ” Case also published various of Mark Twain’s earlier works. The firm patented classroom desks in 1870 and 1879. An 1881 advertisement by Case in an almanac promotes the company as “School Desk Manufacturers and Publishers of Camp’s Outline Maps.” The latter were designed by David N. Camp (1820-1916) and accompanied by a study guide. Case is listed as a school desk manufacturer in the 1899 edition of directory of U.S. manufacturers.

    Oval cartouche: CASE’S/ 12 INCH/ Library Globe/ HARTFORD:/ O.D. CASE & Co.

    Inscription below cartouche: Submarine Telegraph Cables thus/ Mean Isothermal lines for January/ Mean Isothermal lines for July/ Copyright O.D. Case & Co.


    “Fall of the City Bindery of O.D. Case and Company.” Connecticut History Illustrated. http://connecticuthistoryillustrated.org/islandora/object/40002%3A10998 (7 March 2016).

    “Holbrook’s School Globes.” Broadside in George Glazer Collection.

    Hoyt, Edmund S. Maine State Year-book, and Legislative Manual, for the Year 1881-82. Portland: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 1881. p. 404. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=WX0fAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA404-IA2 (7 March 2016).

    “Obituary Notes.” The Publishers’ Weekly. 63: 1617. 24 January 1903. p. 118. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=o-IxAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA118 (7 March 2016).

    “O.D. Case.” Connecticut Historical Society Museum & Library. http://emuseum.chs.org/emuseum/view/people/asitem/C/59?t:state:flow=a1b82e3f-52a8-46f7-8c19-ad1816efedea (7 March 2016).

    “Search results for O.D. Case & Co. maps.” Worldcat.org. http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=O.D.+Case+%26+Co.#x0%253Amap-format (7 March 2016).

    Seeger and Guernsey’s Cyclopaedia of the Manufactures and Products of the United States. New York: United States Industrial Publishing Company, 1899. p. 148. Online at Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=u0FgyWc_xcAC&pg=PA148 (7 March 2016).

    Warner, Deborah Jean.  “The Geography of Heaven and Earth.”  Rittenhouse Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987. p. 52.

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    Maker Location


    Globe Type



    Cast iron


    Rococo Revival