Showing 1–39 of 50 results
Aviation, Model, Airplane Wing, Wood and Canvas, Vintage, early 20th Century
$800 -
Decorative Arts, Mannequin, Horse, Model, Ebonized Wood (Prop Rental)
Decorative Arts, Mannequin, Model Hand, Wooden Articulated, Antique, 19th Century (Sold)
Decorative Arts, Miniature Furniture, Chair, Anglo-Indian, Mid 19th Century
$750 -
Decorative Arts, Model, Elevator Shaft, Antique, Wooden, c. 1900 (Sold)
Decorative Arts, Model, Ferris Wheel, 20th Century
$300 -
Decorative Arts, Salesman’s Sample, Model, Miniature Horse Stall, Antique, Late 19th Century
$4,400 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Miniature Models, Various Styles.
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Rectilinear Double Turn, Antique, Early 20th Century
$6,200 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Rectilinear Mission Oak, Antique, Early 20th Century
$1,750 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Spiral Mahogany without Rails, Late 20th C.
$750 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Spiral Mahogany, Maitland Smith, Vintage
Globe, Astronomy, American, Tellurian, Trippensee Planetarium, Bakelite Arm, Michigan, c. 1960 (Sold)
Globe, Astronomy, American, Tellurian, Universal Planetarium, Hubbard Scientific, Illinois, c. 1960s (Sold)
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, American, Andrews, Weber Costello, Antique, Chicago, c. 1900
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, American, Oland Planetarium, Antique, Illinois, Early 20th Century (Reserved)
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, American, Trippensee Planetarium, Ebonized Arm, Michigan, c. 1930s (Sold)
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, American, Trippensee Planetarium, Maple Arm, Antique, Michigan, c. 1908
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, American, Trippensee Planetarium, Maple Arm, Antique, Michigan, c. 1910 (Sold)
Globe, Astronomy, Tellurian, Trippensee Planetarium, Maple Arm, Antique, Michigan, c. 1910 (Prop Rental)
Illustration Art, Lincoln Car Advertisement (Sold)
Maritime, Collectible, Model, Cabin Cruiser, Vintage, 1950s
Maritime, Collectible, Model, Ohio River Steamer New Orleans, Antique, 1899
$1,800 -
Military, Model, Artillery Cannon, Brass, German, 1st Half 20th Century
Military, Model, Coastal Defense Gun, Marklin, Vintage Toy, Germany, c. 1931
$3,200 -
Model, Architectural, Chromed, Late 20th Century
$150 -
Model, Architectural, Prescott Patent Hanging Door, Salesman’s Sample, Antique, Boston, c. 1880s
$950 -
Model, Architectural, Victorian Ventilator, Robert Boyle, Antique, Late 19th Century (Sold)
Science, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Mineral, Vintage, Mid 20th Century, Sold
Science, Medical, Anatomy, Model, Human Head, Plaster, Antique, Early 20th Century
$600 -
Science, Medical, Anatomy, Model, Skeleton Hand, Plaster, Antique, Berlin, Early 20th Century
$1,250 -
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Mineral, Red and Gold, Vintage, Mid 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Iron Sulfide, Vintage, 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Mineral, Red and Black, 20th Century, Prop Rental
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Salt Mineral, Mid 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Steroid, Bronze, Vintage, British, 20th Century
$1,700 -
Scientific, Instrument, Math, Model, Polygon, Dodecahedron
Scientific, Instrument, Physics, Electricity, Electromagnetic Motor, Antique, Max Kohl, Germany, c. 1900 (Sold)