Showing 1–39 of 134 results
Astronomy, Diagram, Solar System, Smith’s Astronomy, Antique Prints, American, Mid 19th Century
$325 -
Bird, Art, Fowl, Chickens, Prize Winning Poultry, Cassell, Antique Prints, London, 1880
$250 -
Bird, Art, Tropical, Parrots, Ludlow & Rutledge, Antique Prints, 1870s
$200 -
Book, Leather Binding, Le Baiser au Lepreux, Art Nouveau,1925
$275 -
Design Art, Calligraphy, Florentine, Antique Print, c. 1800 (Sold)
History, Military, Army of the United States, Uniforms, Folio of Antique Prints, c. 1889
$1,350 -
History, Military, Costume, French Army Uniforms, Edouard Detaille, Antique Book, 1880s
$775 -
History, Politics, French Revolution, Antique Book, Paris, 1908
$575 -
History, Poor Richard’s Almanac, Benjamin Franklin, Antique Print (Sold)
History, Texas, Book, This is Texas, Photographic Illustrations, 1936
$1,450 -
Illustration Art, Chansons Du Temps Passe, Sheet Music, French, c. 1900 (Sold)
Map, Alaska, Pictorial, Far North Frontier, Kleng Rude, Vintage Print, 1959
$450 -
Map, Boston and Vicinity, Pictorial, Ernest Dudley Chase, Vintage Print, 1938 (Sold)
Map, Boston, Pictorial, Birthplace of Telephone, Ernest Dudley Chase, Vintage Print, 1947 (Sold)
Map, Boston, Pictorial, Insurance Version, Ernest Dudley Chase, Vintage Print, 1938 (Sold)
Map, California, Pictorial, California, Jo Mora, Vintage Print, 1945 (Sold)
Map, California, Pictorial, George Hanft, Vintage Print, 1967
$475 -
Map, California, Pictorial, Yosemite, Jo Mora, Vintage Print, 1940s
$1,100 -
Map, Canada, Historic Saskatchewan, Pictorial, A.W. Davey, Vintage Print, 1955
$350 -
Map, Canada, Ontario, Pictorial, Vintage Print, Toronto,1950
$625 -
Map, Caribbean, Bahamas, Pictorial, George Annand, Vintage Print, 1951
$950 -
Map, Connecticut & New York, Pictorial, Greenwich, New Canaan, Bedford, Rye, Garden Club,1927
$1,600 -
Map, Connecticut, Fairfield County, Pictorial, Stanley Jerome Hoxie, Vintage Print, 1934
$750 -
Map, Connecticut, Greenwich 1775-1800, Pictorial, Roger H. Selchow, Vintage Print, 1939
$1,500 -
Map, England, Pictorial, Booklovers’ Map of the British Isles, Paul Paine, Vintage Print, 1927
$775 -
Map, Europe, Johnson, Antique Print, Philadelphia, Mid 19th Century
$250 -
Map, Europe, Pictorial, Ernest Dudley Chase, Vintage Print, 1938 (Sold)
Map, Florida, Sarasota, Pictorial, Thornton Utz, Vintage Print, 1960s (Sold)
Map, France, Pictorial, Story Map of France, Vintage Print, 1936
$300 -
Map, Georgia, Plains, Pictorial, Jimmy Carter Presidential Memorabilia, Vintage Print
$250 -
Map, Hawaii, Pictorial, Ernest Dudley Chase, Vintage Print, 1960 (Sold)
Map, Hawaii, Pictorial, Parker Edwards for Dole, Vintage Print, 1937 (Sold)
Map, Historical, United States, Colonial, Pictorial, Vintage Print, 1959
$525 -
Map, Illinois, Chicago, Pictorial, Clason, Two-sided Vintage Print, c. 1926
$575 -
Map, Illinois, Midwest, Pictorial, Abraham Lincoln, Vintage Print, 1934 (Sold)
Map, Ireland, Horace Thayer, Antique Print, 1850
$2,400 -
Map, Ireland, Story Map of Ireland, Vintage Print, 1930s