Showing 1–39 of 125 results
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Ferris & Son, Dawlish, England, Antique Print, 2nd Half 19th C.
$850 -
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Horsfall Brothers, Savile Park, Halifax, England
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Hyde Park Game Bird Map, St. Louis, Vintage Poster, 1941
$3,600 -
Bird, Art, British, Peter Brown, New Illustrations of Zoology, Antique Prints, London, 1776
Bird, Art, British, Sarah Stone, Voyage to New South Wales, Australia, Antique Prints, 1789
$375 -
Bird, Art, Tropical, Parakeets, Australia Budgies, Antique Print, 1932 (Sold)
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Four Antique Prints, Horticultural Society of London, 1805-48
Botanical, Art, Orchids, Sertum Orchidaceum, Lindley, Antique Prints, London,1830s
$475 -
Botanical, Art, Prints, 12 Months of Flowers, Paul Jerrard, London, 19th Century
$1,800 -
Caricature & Satire, British, Chimney Sweep, Antique Print, London, 1840s
$300 -
Caricature & Satire, British, Dear Albert, Antique Print, London, Mid 19th Century (Sold)
Caricature & Satire, Cruikshank, British Tourists in France, London, Antique Print, 1835
$100 -
Caricature & Satire, English Aristocracy, Evening, Antique Print, Boydell, London, 1776
$700 -
Caricature & Satire, Food, Infernal Bad Egg, Egerton, London, Antique Print, c. 1825
$250 -
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Country Club, London, Antique Print, 1805 (Sold)
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Irish Song Sheet, London, Antique Print, 1807
$125 -
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Masonic Templar, Antique Print, 1803
$100 -
Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Welch Traveller, Antique Print, 1801
$100 -
Caricature & Satire, Maritime, Artist and Sailor, George Woodward, Antique Print, London, c. 1807
$700 -
Caricature & Satire, Marriage, Matrimony, Antique Print, London, 1840s
$350 -
Caricature & Satire, Shakespeare Plays, London, Antique Print, 1827
Caricature and Satire, A Taylor, Physiognomic Portrait of Tailor, Bickham, Antique Etching, c. 1750
$1,150 -
Caricature Satire, A Tale of a Tub, English Politics, Antique Print, London, 1831
$825 -
Caricature, Charruci, Various Faces, Antique Print, 19th C.
$275 -
Caricature, Laurie & Whittle, Misers Feasting on Sprats, London, Antique Print, 1803 (Sold)
Caricature, Rowlandson, Miseries, Antique Prints, 1808 (Sold)
Decorative Arts, Box, Letterbox, Victorian, Mahogany, English, Antique, 19th Century
$3,750 -
Decorative Arts, Salesman’s Sample, Model, Miniature Horse Stall, Antique, Late 19th Century
$4,400 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Rectilinear Double Turn, Antique, Early 20th Century
$6,200 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Rectilinear Mission Oak, Antique, Early 20th Century
$1,750 -
Design Art, Academic, Geometric and Perspective Architectural Studies, Antique Drawings, 1880s
$350 -
Dogs, English Setter, Oil Painting by Charles Liedl (Sold)
Fashion Historical Costume Art, Fancy Ball Dresses, European and Asian, Antique Prints, c. 1830s
$550 -
Fine Art, Fishing Couple, English Antique Watercolor, 18th Century (Sold)
Fine Art, Witches Save Doctor from Death, Set of Silhouettes on Paper, late 19th Century
$750 -
Furniture, Bench, Oak, English, Victorian, Antique, 19th Century