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Caricature & Satire, Laurie & Whittle, Old Dog’s Legacy, London, Antique Print, 1800
$100 -
Currier & Ives, Dogs and Mouse, Who’s Afraid of You, Antique Print, 1868 (Sold)
Currier & Ives, The Exquisite, Pet of the Ladies, Caricature, Antique Print, New York, Late 19th C.
$2,600 -
Decorative Arts, Inkwell, Bulldog, Carved Wood, Antique, England, Late 19th Century (Sold)
Decorative Arts, Inkwell, Hound Dog, Carved Wood, Antique, England (Sold)
Dogs, English Setter, Oil Painting by Charles Liedl (Sold)
Genre, Shepherd Boys, Thomas Gainsborough, London, Late 18th Century (Sold)
Genre, Monkey and Dog, A Close Calculation, Kellogg, Antique Print, Connecticut, 1852-53
$600 -
Hunting, Birds, Woodcock Shooting, Philip Reinagle, Antique Print (Sold)
Illustration Art, Cat and Dogs, Outcault, Original Antique Drawing
$600 -
Illustration Art, Dog Powering a Butter Churn, A.B. Frost, Antique Drawing, 1900
$750 -
Illustration Art, Dogs, Edwin George Lutz, Antique Drawing, 1913 (Sold)
Old Masters, Engelbrecht, Dog Trainer, Performing Dogs, Antique Print, Germany, 18th Century
$925 -
Old Masters, Shepherd Boy, Thomas Gainsborough, London, Late 18th Century (Sold)
Old Masters, Sporting Dogs, Abraham Hondius, Antique Print, c. 1800 (Sold)
Old Masters, Sporting, Hunting Dog, Oudry, Antique Watercolor, 18th C.
$3,600 -
Sporting Art, Hunting, Blackcock Birds, Richard Ansdell, Antique Print, 1852
$950 -
Sporting Art, Morland, Dancing Dogs, Antique Print, 1796
$800 -
Sporting, Gambling, Billy the Rat Killing Dog, Antique Print, British, 19th C. (Sold)