Showing 1–39 of 72 results
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Ferris & Son, Dawlish, England, Antique Print, 2nd Half 19th C.
$850 -
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Horsfall Brothers, Savile Park, Halifax, England
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Hyde Park Game Bird Map, St. Louis, Vintage Poster, 1941
$3,600 -
Americana, Print, Centennial Exhibition of Philadelphia, Antique Lithograph, Stinson, Maine, 1876
$2,800 -
Antiquity, Greece, Vases, Vessels, Albrecht Genick, Pair of Antique Prints, Berlin, 1876
Antiquity, Greece, Vases, Vessels, Albrecht Genick, Pair of Antique Prints, Berlin, 1876
$3,000 -
Bird, Art, British, Joseph Wolf, Bower Bird, Zoological Sketches, Antique Print, London, 1860s
$400 -
Bird, Art, Fowl, Chickens, Harrison William Weir, Antique Prints, London, 1873
$200 -
Bird, Art, Fowl, Chickens, Prize Winning Poultry, Cassell, Antique Prints, London, 1880
$250 -
Bird, Art, Tropical, Parrots, Ludlow & Rutledge, Antique Prints, 1870s
$200 -
Botanical, Art, Fruit, Apples from Boscobel Trio, George Grammer, Vintage Painting
$1,150 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flower Bouquet, Elisa-Honorine Champin, Antique Print, Paris, 19th Century
$475 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Anthuriums, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Azaleas, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Begonias, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Carnations, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, L’Illustration Horticole, Ornamental Leaf Plants, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Mushrooms, Fritz Leuba, Antique Print, Switzerland, 1890
$250 -
Botanical, Art, Orchids, L’Illustration Horticole, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Orchids, Ladies Slipper, Cypripedium, Antique Prints, French, 1888
Botanical, Art, Orchids, Warner, John Nugent Fitch, Antique Prints, London, Late 19th Century
$200 -
Botanical, Art, Prints, 12 Months of Flowers, Paul Jerrard, London, 19th Century
$1,800 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Leaves, Brazil, Rodrigues, Antique Prints, Belgium, 1903
$375 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Trees, Brazil, Rodrigues, Antique Prints, Belgium, 1903
$600 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Trees, L’Illustration Horticole, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanicals, Flower Composition, Bouquet, Paul de Longpre, Pair Antique Prints (sold)
Caricature, College Curses, Hibberd VB Kline, Antique Print, 1909 (Sold)
Design Art, Decorative Arts, Sevres Soft Porcelain, Garnier, Antique Prints, 1892
$250 -
Design Art, Decorative Arts, Sevres Soft Porcelain, Garnier, Antique Prints, 1892
$250 -
Design Art, Decorative Arts, Sevres Soft Porcelain, Garnier, Antique Prints, 1892
$250 -
Design Art, Flower Composition, Gustave Fraipont, Pair Antique Prints, c. 1900
$275 -
Design Art, Musical Instruments, Wind and Stringed, Alfred James Hipkins, Antique Print Pair, 1888
$250 -
Design, Flower Composition, Anton Seder, The Plant in Art, Antique Prints, Austria, 1890
Fashion, Shoes for Children, Sollers, Advertisement, Antique Print, Philadelphia, 1874 (Sold)
Floral Arrangements, Emilie Vouga, Late 19th C. Chromolithographs (Sold)