Chemistry, Physics & Math
Showing all 32 results
Globe, Specialty, Miniature 2.75 inch Terrestrial Globe on Unusual Stand, Felkl, Prague, c. 1900
$3,500 -
History Book, Mechanical Water-Lifting Devices, Greek and Roman Technology, Published 1984
$375 -
Illustration Art, Electrical Elf, Gary Viskupic, Vintage Drawing, 1989
$1,050 -
Old Master, The Alchemist, von Prenner, Antique Print, Vienna, c. 1775
$975 -
Portrait, Exploration, Mercator, Globe and Map, Garth Jones, Drawing, Early 20th Century
$2,100 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Benjamin Franklin, Antique Mezzotint Print, London, 1761
$4,800 -
Portrait, Historical, British, George Sackville, Joshua Reynolds, Antique Print, London, 1759
$550 -
Science, Art, Astronomy, Physics, Allegory, Antique Prints, Paris, 18th Century
$750 -
Science, Art. Physics, Spinthariscope, George F. Morrell, Original Illustration, 1923
$450 -
Science, Chemistry, Historical Plaque Sculpture, Scientist, Alchemy, Antique, late 19th Century
Science, Exposition, Long Island Fair, Painted Plaque, American, 1960
Science, Physics, Nuclear Reactor, Jiri Havlin, Vintage Poster, Czech, 1959
$1,200 -
Science, Physics, Wheels, Clocks, Vintage Wall Poster, Continental, 1950s
$450 -
Scientific Instrument, Physics, Gyroscope, C.H. Stoelting, Chicago, Antique, c. Late 19th Century
$1,400 -
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Mineral, Red and Gold, Vintage, Mid 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Iron Sulfide, Vintage, 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Mineral, Red and Black, 20th Century, Prop Rental
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Salt Mineral, Mid 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Chemistry, Model, Molecule, Vintage, Mid 20th Century
Scientific, Instrument, Math, Model, Polygon, Dodecahedron
Scientific, Instrument, Optical, Kaleidoscope, Charles Bush, Antique, Rhode Island, c. 1870s
Scientific, Instrument, Optical, Mirror, Convex, Ebonized Stand, Antique, Prague, c. 1900
Scientific, Instrument, Physics, Electricity, Electric Car Ammeter Voltmeter, Antique, New Jersey, c. 1909
$1,100 -
Scientific, Instrument, Physics, Electricity, Galvanometer, Antique, Boston, 1906
$900 -
Scientific, Instrument, Physics, Electricity, Tesla Coil, Vintage, Italy, Early 20th Century