Celestial & Astronomy
Showing all 32 results
Astronomy, Cards, Celestial, C. Hodges, London, Antique, 1828
$950 -
Astronomy, Cards, Celestial, Urania’s Mirror, Antique, London, c. 1824
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Astronomical Recreations, Jacob Green, Antique Prints, Philadelphia, 1820s
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bayer, Uranometria, Constellation, Orion, Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$975 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Bevis, Uranographia Britannica, Constellations, Aquila, Delphinus, Antique Print, Bevis, London, 1786
$1,350 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Burritt, Set of 6 Antique Prints, Connecticut, mid 19th Century
$3,600 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Cellarius, Northern Hemisphere, Haemisphaerium Stellatum, Antique Print, Amsterdam, 1708
$5,750 -
Astronomy, Celestial Chart, Double Hemisphere, Eimmart, Melchior Rein, Antique Print, Augsburg, 1720s
$4,800 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Armillary Sphere, Globes, Sphaerae Artificiales, Seutter, Antique Print, 18th Century
$1,900 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Armillary Sphere, Orrery, Antique Print, Lotter, Augsburg,1774
$1,900 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Armillary Spheres, Globes, Delamarche, Antique Print, Paris, late 18th Century
$900 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Armillary Spheres, Globes, George Adams, Antique Print, London, 1798
$775 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Cellarius, Phases of the Moon, Typus Selenograhicus, Antique Print, Amsterdam, 1708
$5,750 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Cellarius, Solar System, Orbium Planetarium, Antique Print, Amsterdam, 1708
$4,750 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Cellarius, Solar System, Orbium Planetarium, Antique Print, Amsterdam: 1708
$4,750 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Cellarius, Solar System, Situs Terrae Circulis, Antique Print, Amsterdam, 1708
$5,250 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Cellarius, Solar System, Solis Circa Orbem, Antique Print, Amsterdam, 1708
$4,750 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Great Comet of 1680, Friedrich Madeweis, German, Framed Antique Print, 1681
$2,600 -
Astronomy, Diagram, James Reynolds, Prints on Card, Antique, London, mid 19th Century
Astronomy, Diagram, Johnston’s School Astronomical Atlas, Antique Book, 1877
$1,200 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Solar System, Andriveau, Revolution Annuelle, Antique Print, Paris, 1854
$650 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Solar System, Muggletonians, Antique Print Set of 6, London, 1846
$2,400 -
Astronomy, Diagram, Solar System, Smith’s Astronomy, Antique Prints, American, Mid 19th Century
$325 -
Astronomy, Diagrams, Celestial Charts, Atlas Curieux, Nicholas De Fer, Antique Prints, c. 1700
Astronomy, Diagrams, Celestial Charts, Homann and Doppelmayr, Antique Prints, Nuremberg, 18th Century
Astronomy, Planisphere, Charles Kullmer, Revolving Star Disks on Stand, Syracuse, 1910
$1,475 -
Astronomy, Planisphere, Henry Whitall, Philadelphia, Revolving Disk on Card, Antique, 1871
$1,800 -
Astronomy, Planisphere, Mobile Simplifie, Charles Dien, Paris, Revolving Disk on Card, Antique, 1839
$1,500 -
Science, Art, Astronomy, Physics, Allegory, Antique Prints, Paris, 18th Century