Ski Mountain Lodge
For the ski chalet or rustic mountain lodge, we provide winter sports art featuring skiers, skaters, snow sports, and alpine scenery, as well as Western and New England maps. Contact us for assistance.
Showing 1–39 of 59 results
Advertising Art, Beer Brewery, Hyde Park Game Bird Map, St. Louis, Vintage Poster, 1941
$3,600 -
Advertising Art, Ice Skating, Central Park, Advertising Broadside, New York City, c. 1860
$2,750 -
Bird, Art, American, John Ruthven, Bald Eagle, Large Signed Limited Edition Aquatint, 1976
$675 -
Bird, Art, American, John Ruthven, Wild Turkey, Large Signed Limited Edition Aquatint, 1977
$975 -
Bird, Art, Basil Ede, Hermit Thrush, Watercolor, c. 1970s
$2,400 -
Bird, Art, Basil Ede, Red-Breasted Nuthatches, Watercolor, c. 1970s
$2,400 -
Bird, Art, British, Edwards, Owls, Antique Print Pair, London, mid 18th Century
$700 -
BIrd, Art, Italian, Manetti, Owl, Framed Antique Print, Florence, Mid 18th Century
$1,400 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Munting, Antique Prints, Dutch, 1696
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Ferns, Great Britain, Antique Prints, London,1850s
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Sepia, von Ettingshausen, Antique Prints, Prague, 1873
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Snowdrop, Antique Print, London, early 19th C.
$1,400 -
Curling print, 18th Century Curling by Denis Wreford
$475 -
Decorative Arts, Box, Fern Ware, Stencil-painted Wood, Scotland, 2nd Half 19th Century
$1,100 -
Decorative Arts, Mechanical Fan Bellows, Antique, English, 19th Century
$1,300 -
Decorative Arts, Salesman’s Sample, Model, Miniature Horse Stall, Antique, Late 19th Century
$4,400 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Rectilinear Mission Oak, Antique, Early 20th Century
$1,750 -
Decorative Arts, Staircase Model, Spiral Mahogany, Maitland Smith, Vintage
Decorative Arts, Wall Brackets, Shelves, Horse-head Design, Pair, 20th C.
$750 -
Figurine, Mushrooms, Carved Wood Sculptures, American, 20th Century
$800 -
Fine Art, Animal, Raccoon, Andree Ruellan, Drawing, 20th Century
$350 -
Fine Art, Modern, Abstract, Color Fields, Jacob Semiatin, Watercolors
Fine Art, Modern, Astronomy, Outer Atmosphere, Helen Glazer, Revolving Painting, 1992
$750 -
Furniture, Library, Ladder, Mahogany Folding, 20th Century
Globe, American, Rand McNally, Celestial, 9-Inch Table Globe, Cradle Bakelite Stand, Chicago, 1950s
$850 -
Globe, British, George Philip, Terrestrial World, 30-Inch Floor Globe, Art Deco Brass, London, c. 1940s
$45,000 -
Globe, French, Thury Belnet, Terrestrial World, Relief, 12-Inch Table Globe, Marble Stand, Dijon, c. 1860 (Sold)
Globe, Specialty, Slated, 12-Inch Diameter, American, Mid 20th Century
$900 -
Globe, Sundial, Armillary, Bronze, Sun Motifs, Mid 20th C.
$2,250 -
Landscape Art, Currier & Ives, Skating Scene — Moonlight, Winter Sports, Antique Print, 1868
$1,800 -
Landscape Art, Helen Glazer, Antarctica, Canada Glacier from Lake Fryxell, Photograph, 2015/2017
$2,000 -
Landscape Art, Helen Glazer, Antarctica, Cloudburst, Ice Tongue Cave, Photograph, 2015/2017
$2,000 -
Landscape Art, Helen Glazer, Antarctica, Fractal Arch, Ice Tongue Cave, Photograph, 2015/2016
$2,000 -
Landscape Art, Helen Glazer, Canada, Arctic, Lake, Cape Mercy, Photograph, 2018
$850 -
Map, California, Pictorial, George Hanft, Vintage Print, 1967
$475 -
Map, California, Pictorial, Yosemite, Jo Mora, Vintage Print, 1940s
$1,100 -
Map, Canada, Ontario, Pictorial, Vintage Print, Toronto,1950
$625 -
Map, Colorado, Pictorial, Rocky Mountain National Park, Richardson Rome, Vintage Print, 1938