Beach House
For the beach house we have dozens of items to coordinate with seaside themed decor: botanicals of palm trees; maritime prints, photographs and art related to boats, yachts, and seashore landscapes; red or white coral or white coral for decorative accents; and maps of popular seaside locales, especially Long Island & the Hamptons, Cape Cod, Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard and Florida. Contact us for more assistance.
Showing 1–39 of 151 results
Advertising, Art, Wine Making, Grapes, Vougeot, Burgundy, Pair Framed Vintage Plaques, France, c. 1930s
$3,750 -
Animal, Art, Sea Shells, Albertus Seba, Antique Print, Framed, Amsterdam, 18th Century
$2,250 -
Animals, Art, Crabs, Albertus Seba, Set of 4 Framed Antique Prints, Amsterdam, 18th Century
$7,800 -
Art, Fish, Wilfrid Bronson, American, Vintage Watercolors, c. 1930s
$1,900 -
Bird, Art, American, Catesby, Blue Heron, Antique Print, London, 18th Century (Sold)
Bird, Art, American, John Ruthven, Ivory Billed Woodpecker, Large Signed Limited Edition Aquatint, 1974
$1,300 -
Bird, Art, American, John Ruthven, Labrador Duck, Large Signed Limited Edition Aquatint, 1975
$575 -
Bird, Art, Anglo Indian School, Eurasian Bittern, Antique Watercolor, 1880
Bird, Art, Anglo Indian School, Ibis, Painting on Linen
Bird, Art, British, Edwards, Seligmann Edition, Antique Prints, 1770s
Bird, Art, British, Gould, Crane, Edward Lear, Birds of Europe, Antique Print, London, 1830s
$1,800 -
Bird, Art, British, Gould, Swan, Edward Lear, Birds of Europe, Antique Print, London, 1830s
$1,275 -
Bird, Art, British, Gould, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Birds of Australia, Antique Print, London, 1830s-40s
$1,500 -
Bird, Art, French, Martinet, Tropical, Antique Prints, Paris, Mid 18th C.
Bird, Art, French, Martinet, Tropical, Parrots, Antique Prints, Paris, mid 18th C.
$650 -
Bird, Art, Italian, Manetti, Seabirds, Pair Antique Prints, Florence, mid 18th Century
$900 -
Bird, Art, Tropical, Hornbills, Allen Blagden, Pair Hand-colored Lithographs, 1980
$2,800 -
Bird, Art, Tropical, Toucan, Keel-Billed, Vintage Watercolor, 20th Century
$1,250 -
Birds, Art, Italian, Manetti, Ducks, Antique Prints, Florence, mid 18th Century (Sold)
Botanical, Art, Besler, Hortus Eystettensis, Tulips, Tulipa Albicans Antique Print, Germany, 17th Century
$4,400 -
Botanical, Art, Fruit, Apples from Boscobel Trio, George Grammer, Vintage Painting
$1,150 -
Botanical, Art, Fruit, Pomona Italiana, Antique Prints, Italy, 1817-39
$600 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Arena, Set of 4 Framed Antique Prints, Italy, 1767
$5,900 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Munting, Antique Prints, Dutch, 1696
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Peony, Antique Watercolor, Continental, 19th Century
$950 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Primula, Cowslip, Pair Framed Early Watercolors, Continental, 18th Century
$1,600 -
Botanical, Art, Garden Flowers, Tulips, Susie Ray, Pair Framed Watercolors, 1987
$3,500 -
Botanical, Art, Mushrooms, Cape Cod, Marcia Gaylord Norman, Vintage Watercolors
$450 -
Botanical, Art, Nature Printed, Sepia, von Ettingshausen, Antique Prints, Prague, 1873
Botanical, Art, Thornton, Temple of Flora, Begonia, Antique Print, London, Early 19th C.
$1,650 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Banana Tree, Plantae Selectae, Ehret, Antique Print, London, mid 18th C
$1,100 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Leaves, Brazil, Rodrigues, Antique Prints, Belgium, 1903
$375 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Trees, Brazil, Rodrigues, Antique Prints, Belgium, 1903
$600 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Palm Trees, L’Illustration Horticole, Antique Prints, late 19th Century
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Pineapple, Plantae Selectae, Ehret, Antique Print, London, 18th C
$2,400 -
Botanical, Art, Tropical, Pineapple, Prevost, Antique Print, Paris, 1805