Showing 1–39 of 90 results
Portrait, Artists, Benjamin West, Antique Print, early 19th C.
$750 -
Portrait, Artists, da Vinci, Tintoretto, Romano, Antique Prints, Italy, 1790s
Portrait, Artists, James McNeill Whistler, Antique Print, 1916
$850 -
Portrait, Artists, Michelangelo Buonaroti, Antique Print, 19th Century
$250 -
Portrait, Artists, Royal Academicians, Henry Singleton, Antique Mezzotint Print, London, 1802
$1,900 -
Portrait, Artists, Tischbein, Renaissance, Set of Six Antique Drawings, Late 18th Century
Portrait, Arts, Dance, Hubert Stowitts, Male Nude Archer, Nickolas Muray, Antique Photograph, 1921
$1,950 -
Portrait, Arts, Literature, Sir Walter Scott, Antique Needlepoint, Mid 19th Century
$950 -
Portrait, Arts, Literature, Wax Miniature Collection, Various Famous Persons, Mid 19th Century
$2,300 -
Portrait, Arts, Music, Arturo Toscanini Conducting, Vintage Photographs
$300 -
Portrait, Arts, Music, Frederic Chopin, Antique Print, Chicago, late 19th Century
$650 -
Portrait, Arts, Music, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, Beethoven, Henry B. Goode, 3 Vintage Drawings
$600 -
Portrait, Arts, Theater, Actress Gertrude Lawrence, Antique Photograph, 1910
$325 -
Portrait, Arts, Theater, French Actors, 6 Antique Watercolors, 18th Century
$3,250 -
Portrait, Arts, Theater, French Actresses, Antique Photographs, Paris, c. 1900
$75 -
Portrait, Exploration, Alexander von Humboldt, Eduard Hildebrandt, Antique Print, Berlin, 1848
Portrait, Exploration, Banvard of the Mississippi, Antique Print, 19th Century
$750 -
Portrait, Exploration, Columbus, Sighting America, Silkwork Textile, Antique, c. 1890
$750 -
Portrait, Exploration, La Salle, French Explorer, Louisiana Territory Map, Antique Print, 1937
$1,300 -
Portrait, Exploration, Mercator, Globe and Map, Garth Jones, Drawing, Early 20th Century
$2,100 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Benjamin Franklin, Antique Mezzotint Print, 1840s
$1,800 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Benjamin Franklin, Antique Mezzotint Print, London, 1761
$4,800 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Benjamin Franklin, Electricity Experiment, Benjamin West, Antique Mezzotint Print, c. 1900
$1,500 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Cyrus W. Field, CDV, Carte de Visite, Antique Photograph
$350 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Davy Crockett, Walter Baumhofer, Oil Painting, 20th Century
$2,600 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Lafayette, Ary Scheffer, Antique Print, 19th Century
$475 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Martha Washington, Plaster Relief Plaque, 19th Century
$375 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Military, Civil War, Winfield Scott, Antique Print, Kellogg, 1855
$400 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Military, George Custer, D.D. Moore, Vintage Drawing
$450 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Native Americans, McKenney and Hall, Sioux Indian Chief, Antique Print, mid 19th Century
$700 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington Farmer at Mount Vernon, Antique Print, New York, 1853
$1,600 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington, Apotheosis, Antique Print, c. 1830-50
$1,500 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington, Calligraphy, Antique Print, New York, mid 19th Century
$1,100 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington, Masonic, Antique Lithograph Print, 1855
$1,800 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington, Patriae Pater, Rembrandt Peale, Boston, 1827
$3,600 -
Portrait, Historical, American, Presidents, George Washington, Rothermel, Antique Mezzotint Print, c. 1850s