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The globe has brass hour circles at north and south poles, in calibrated full brass meridian turning on ball-bearing mechanism, the patented angled horizon with engraved paper topographical profile and calibrations. It is raised on a mahogany stand, the horizon band supported by four quadrants and revolving on a pinion above a faceted standard, the quadripartite base comprised of four fluted scrolls on molded plinth. Geographical entities are shaded in a variety of colors, with oceans colored blue. Steamship and railroads are shown in red.
This Rand McNally table globe is noteworthy for its finely-crafted and handsome tall base in the Jacobean taste and its unusual angled horizon band. The horizon has engraved paper topographical profile and calibrations, showing mountain ranges and sea troughs. It was patented by Rand McNally in 1924, and used on various models of their 12 and 18-inch globes from that time through the 1930s.
Read more about Rand McNally in our Guide to Globe Makers.
Cartouche Formed of Two Dolphins: RAND McNALLY/ 12” GLOBE/ INDEXED/ Scale […] / Steamship and Railroad lines are/ shown in red./ Copyright by/ Rand McNally & Company, Chicago/ Made in U.S.A.