The celestial globe surmounted by plastic hour disk, in copper finished full meridian, on a bakelite stand having deep brown color simulating the appearance of wood. The horizon is marked with the directions of north, south, east and west, and supported by four curved uprights, on a round base. Constellations are shown in light blue outline as mythological figures and other formations against a midnight blue background, stars are indicated in yellow, to the 5th magnitude, and with cluster nebulae.
For more information about Rand McNally, see our Guide to Globe Makers.
Cartouche: Cartouche: Rand McNally/ Nine Inch/ Celestial Globe/ Edited by/ Dr. Oliver J. Lee,/ Magnitudes/ 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Larger/ 5th and smaller/ Cluster Nebula/ Copyright by/ Rand McNally & Co./ Made in U.S.A.