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The terrestrial globe surmounted by hour circle, within calibrated chromed half meridian, raised on a square stepped black bakelite base in the Art Deco style. Certain regions are colored red or pink, apparently to indicate areas belonging to the British Empire, but they are not noted as such. Oceans are cream colored, giving an overall 19th century appearance to the globe, although it was manufactured in 1958.
George Philip & Son began as a map and atlas publisher in Liverpool, England in 1834. In 1902, the firm relocated to London and emerged as one of the major globe producers of the 20th century. Read more on our Guide to Globe Makers.
Cartouche: PHILIPS’/ 10”/ CHALLENGE GLOBE/ [scale]/ LONDON/ GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE/ GEORGE PHILIP & SON LTD 32 FLEET STREET, LONDON/ Printed and Manufactured in Great Britain/ © 1958