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Set of three historical handwriting broadsheets, printed educational engravings left blank in the center for children to practice their penmanship. Historical events are illustrated in the margins, and in the center children from the Sellwood family did penmanship calligraphy exercises, a brother (at ages 8 and 10) and sister (at age 12). See detailed information about each print below.
Edward Langley was a London engraver who printed many such handwriting broadsheets. Some are in the collection of the Guildhall Library and Art Gallery, London and can be viewed online.
W. Belch was a London engraver who produced many topographical engravings of British landmarks, in addition to handwriting broadsheets. His work is also in the collection of the Guildhall Library and Art Gallery, London.
Thomas Sellwood, Aged 8 Years, 1823 (calligraphy)
Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury Fort
W. Belch, London: c. 1823
Border Pictures Titles: Queen Elizabeth exhorting her People, to stand firm in defence [sic.] of their Queen and Country. / Queen Elizabeth presenting the Ring to the Earl of Essex. / The dying Countess of Nottingham revealing the secret of the Ring to Queen Elizabeth. / Elizabeth returning thanks in the Tower, for her deliverance from the persecutions of Queen Mary. / Queen Elizabeth on her Journey to Kenilworth Castle.
Calligraphy Sayings: Deceive not they Friend by promising much, and then performing little or nothing. / Treasures ill gotten are like Heaps of Chaff, or Clouds of Smoke, soon dissipated before the Wind. / It is the part of a wise Man to hope for the best, to be prepared for the worst; and to bear with Equanimity whatever may happen.
Thomas Sellwood, Aged 10 years, 1825 (calligraphy)
The Battle of Hastings from the History of England
Edward Langley, London: c. 1825
Vignette Titles: William the Conqueror Landing at Pevensy on the Coast of Sussex. / The Death of Harold at the Battle of Hastings. / King William the First seizing Odo Bishop of Bayeaux & Earl of Kent. / King Richard the First shot by Bertram De Gourdon from the Castle of Chalus. / The Duke of Monmouth Petitioning King Charles the 2nd to spare his life. / King William the First at Battle Abbey. / The Death of Thomas A. Becket, at Canterbury. / King Charles the Second in the Oak.
Calligraphy Sayings: A truly religious, just, and charitable Man, is a Blessing to all about him. / As all things that are excellent, are difficult to be attained: we must labour if we would acquire Knowledge. / He that saith a Day, and not rather an Hour, a Moment, sufficeth for the Overthrow of Empires: assigneth too long a time to the more speedy Progress of human Calamities.
Mary Sellwood. Aged 12 Years (calligraphy)
To Day and To Morrow
Edward Langley, London: c. 1820s
Vignette Titles: To-day Man's dress'd in Gold and Silver Bright, Wrapp'd in a Shroud before to-morrow night; / To-day he's feeding on delicious food, To-morrow dead, unable to do good; / To-day he's nice, and scorns to feed on crumbs, To-morrow he's himself a dish for worms; / To-day he's honoured and in vast esteem, To-morrow not a beggar values him; / To-day he rises from a velvet bed, To-morrow lies in one that's made of lead; / To-day perfumed, as sweet as any rose, To-morrow smells in every body's nose; / To-day he's grand, majestic, all delight, Ghastful and pale before to-morrow night; / To-day his house, tho' large, he thinks but small, to-morrow no command, no house at all; True, as the scripture says, "Man's life's a span," The present moment is the life of man.
Calligraphy Sayings: It signifies little to study Virtue; unless you practice it. / As you value the approbation of Heaven, or the esteem of the World; cultivate the love of Virtue. / Many Things happen that are dreadful and hard to be borne; but the same God who permits them, hath armed our Minds with Virtue, and Patience.
"Collage." The City of London Libraries, Archives and Guildhall Art Gallery. (13 June 2011)